full name is Sabiha Bandari Ame. I am a girl child born on 3th April
2002 in Jambiani Zanzibar. I am a daughter of Bandari, my father, and
Salma my mother. I am so lucky that I am the last-born child in the
family of six sisters and five brothers. Since my birth, I grew up in
Jambiani, the village situated in Unguja East Coast of Zanzibar.
the support of Child Development Fund (CDF), I have applied to study
Journalism at Mwenge Community College (MCC). This college is famous
and was founded at Amani area in Zanzibar Urban District. The modules
I learn are two: The first semester was to begin since January 2020
until July and end up with terminal exam on August. Due to the
Covid-19, the studies ought to start right on March and they still
proceed now. The second semester begins on September until December
when it completes.
study of Journalism here is attributed with the following courses:
Journalism and Society, Journalism and Practice, Development Studies,
Mass Communication, Media History, Communication Skills, Current
Affairs and News Analysis, Introduction of Computer, News Agencies
and Ideology. The systems of module are divided in Assessment which
carries 40 percent, and end of the semester exam carrying 60 percent.
This trend is for each course. I am of hope that I will do better
according to the present situation of studying now at the college. I
really am competent.
finishing the course, I want to either work as a radio announcer or
correspondent. I wish to report for a media from my home place
Jambiani. I wish all this, for the purpose of helping the community
to be aware of what is happening for better development. At this
level, I hope to achieve just a certificate, but if possible, I wish
and am interested in increasing the level to Diploma and even to a
Degree level.
from my profession, I am interested in teaching the small children.
My hobbies are reading story books, magazines newspapers and
listening to the radio together with the watching TV programmes which
are related to the education of the community. My special thanks
should go to Allah, my parents and family, my sponsors Mr. Gunther
Schmid and Miss Barbara, my former head teacher Yussuf Sabuor, my
former English teacher Abdalla Mussa Haji and all Jambiani School
teachers. They enabled me to access this sponsorship. Thanks a lot.