
Donations are efficiently implemented in order to guarantee an optimum of assistance and development for people in need. Experts of ChildFund Deutschland monitor and evaluate the projects on the spot. Donors and partners are continuously informed about the development and progress allowing them to participate intensively in the assistance.

The correct use of the donations is guaranteed by examinations of the annual accounts of the ChildFund Stiftung and ChildFund Deutschland through independent auditors. In addition, ChildFund Deutschland voluntarily undergoes a yearly examination through the DZI in Berlin, the most important German watchdog organisation, and has regularly been awarded the charitable donor seal since 1995.

We are grateful for any donation, small or great. Please transfer the money via the following channel and do not forget providing your private address with the donation in order to ensure a prompt return of the receipt for contributions to a recognized charity (for tax reasons):

Child Development Fund (CDF)
(Barbara and Günther Schmid)

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Stuttgart
IBAN: DE45 3702 0500 0007 7818 26


ChildFund Stiftung gGmbH
Max-Eyth-Straße 21
72662 Nürtingen

Tel. 07022 92 59 0