In Kenya, we
support therefore children, in particular girls, with scholarships of
about 350 Euro per year to open up for them access to Secondary
Schools and to enable them to eventually graduate from these schools.
The scholarships serve to finance school fees, school uniforms,
learning material and accommodation costs of boarding schools. The
children are selected in cooperation with ChildFund Kenya, the local
schools and communities according to the following criteria: need
(e.g. orphans or vulnerable children of single mothers) and the
prospective ability to finish the school with success. Currently, we
yearly support about 25 children by this way in the areas Mutonga
(near Mount Kenya) and Kendu Bay (in the region Nyanza, Lake
Victoria). The supported children also receive regularly teaching in
sexual and reproductive health, and girls are equipped with sanitary
kits to ensure continuous school visit.
the start of the project 80 children have successfully finished
secondary school; about 15 of these children study currently at the
university or at a college; one student received already her diploma
as a nurse. We intend to expand the range of the support for
vocational training or university education for children who
graduated with good results from secondary school. Currently we
promote three scholars with 700 Euro per years respectively.
In Tanzania-Zanzibar
we supported a community in establishing and sustaining a learning
centre for children and adults, the Jambiani
Community Academy (JCA).
Apart from adult training (in particular computing abilities) the
academy’s main aim was to help disadvantaged children in
preparation for national examinations in Form 2 (lower secondary
level) or Form 4 (upper secondary level) or to give them the
opportunity to repeat a failed examination. JCA works now
independently, among others in the area of vocational training for
2018 we support children at the public Jambiani
Secondary School. In the beginning we promoted in
particular children to pass examination in Form 4. Up to two third of
children used to fail in these examinations so that we intended to
give them a second chance of transiting into upper secondary
education (Form 5, 6) or into high-quality vocational training.
Recently, this situation slightly improved, but the hurdles for girls
are still high to transit successfully to upper secondary levels. We
organised therefore an intensive tutorial to prepare girls for the
examination in F4.
we are financing at this school the bulk of investment into an
electronic Learning Management System (eLMS). We are cooperating
thereby with Tanzanian Institute of Education (TIE) and Open
University of Dar es Salaam to provide the necessary training and
advice to teachers and students. Since 2019, we added an inclusion
project by supporting seven children with disabilities (blind or
deaf), and we endeavour, apart from special teaching facilities (like
Braille, voice recorder, sign charts), adjusting eLMS to the needs of
these children and their teachers. Furthermore, in co-operation with
a Belgian NGO we succeeded to ensure the financing a new school
building including a conference hall.